Num dia do mês de Outubro de 2012, fui dar uma caminhada nocturna e matinal, tendo passado pela Lagoa dos Teixoeiros, que se apresentava quase seca. Estive lá quase duas horas, tendo assistido ao nascer do dia. (E claro, também fotografei o momento!)
A Lagoa dos Teixoeiros (também conhecida
por Lagoa da Mata ou Lagoa da Tocha), é uma
lagoa natural de água doce (ocupando uma área aproximada de 7 hectares),
localizada na Freguesia da Tocha e Concelho de Cantanhede.
No ano de 2012, as chuvas fortes que costumam aparecer no fim do Verão atrasaram-se alguns meses, apesar de não ter sido propriamente um ano de seca grave, como o de 2004-2005. Quando estas chuvas não aparecem, as lagoas do Sul da Gândara, de baixa profundidade média e em processo de acelerado assoreamento natural (também derivado em parte da acção humana), sofrem secas totais ou parciais. Felizmente, o Inverno desse ano trouxe as aguardadas chuvas.
Quase imunes a esta situação, estão a Barrinha e a Lagoa de Mira, alimentadas por ribeiras durante todo o ano e com o nível de água controlado por diques artificiais. Talvez derivado do seu maior aproveitamento turístico, estas duas lagoas têm sido melhor preservadas do que outras, que estão praticamente ao abandono.
Como curiosidade adicional, pude constatar que algumas aves e mamíferos de hábitos nocturnos, pouco habituados à presença de pessoas nos seus habitats durante essas horas, mostraram ter menor receio em relação ao intruso humano (eu), tendo vários animais passado muito perto de mim! Como em Portugal quase não existem animais perigosos para o homem, o meu maior receio durante estas voltas é mesmo um dia ter o azar de encontrar um maluco com uma pistola ou caçadeira!
Dawn in a lake almost dry (Part 1):
During one day of the month of October of 2012, i went for a walk, during part of the night and morning of that day. I stopped near two hours in the "Lagoa dos Teixoeiros" to take some pictures of the day break and early morning.
The Lagoa dos Teixoeiros (also known as Lagoa da Mata or Lagoa da Tocha), is a fresh water lake (of natural origin), with an water area of approximately 17 acres (7 hectares), surrounded by forests (mainly of pine trees) and a few agricultural lands. This lake (here we call it "lagoon"), is located in the Civil Parish of Tocha and Municipality of Cantanhede.
In that day, the lake was almost dry. During 2012, the heavy rains who usually come during the end of Summer, only appeared in the Winter. As these natural lakes have low medium depth (they are in a severe process of aggradation, with natural and human causes), they become dry during the years of drought. Fortunately, 2012 was not a year of severe drought in Portugal. The last severe drought in Portugal, was in the years of 2004-2005, years of bad memory to nature, agriculture and public water supply, throughout the country.
During one day of the month of October of 2012, i went for a walk, during part of the night and morning of that day. I stopped near two hours in the "Lagoa dos Teixoeiros" to take some pictures of the day break and early morning.
The Lagoa dos Teixoeiros (also known as Lagoa da Mata or Lagoa da Tocha), is a fresh water lake (of natural origin), with an water area of approximately 17 acres (7 hectares), surrounded by forests (mainly of pine trees) and a few agricultural lands. This lake (here we call it "lagoon"), is located in the Civil Parish of Tocha and Municipality of Cantanhede.
In that day, the lake was almost dry. During 2012, the heavy rains who usually come during the end of Summer, only appeared in the Winter. As these natural lakes have low medium depth (they are in a severe process of aggradation, with natural and human causes), they become dry during the years of drought. Fortunately, 2012 was not a year of severe drought in Portugal. The last severe drought in Portugal, was in the years of 2004-2005, years of bad memory to nature, agriculture and public water supply, throughout the country.
As an additional curiosity, i have to say that some night mammals and night birds are less afraid of man, perhaps because there are no humans in their habitats during the night. During that nocturnal hike, a few wild animals passed very close by me. But don't worry, in Portugal we have very few animals dangerous to men. My biggest fear during these hikes is to find some crazy dude with a gun...
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